Expand/Collapse radgrid in jquery

So after reading dozens and dozens of forums I finally just gave up on figuring out the obscure way to deal with hierarchy in a Telerik RadGrid. The classes are easy to find and the expand sections are just Submit buttons. So some super simple JQuery allows you to manipulate them quite easily. You can expand a few rows in your own grid and run these in Console.

$('.rgMasterTable tr td.rgExpandCol input.rgCollapse[type=submit]').click();

$('.rgMasterTable tr td.rgExpandCol input.rgExpand[type=submit').click();

NOTE: (There is more logic required to iterate (and do a wait) for each if there are multiple expansions).

Getting Started with Microsoft Big Data, Hive & HDInsight Jump Start

This is the first of a three-Jump Start series tailored for architects and seasoned developers interested in a demo-heavy learning experience introducing Microsoft’s Big Data solution set. Microsoft Technical Evangelist Saptak Sen and Vice President of Consulting Services, Advaiya Inc Bill Ramos will start with setting up and loading data into Windows Azure storage and a Windows Azure HDInsight cluster. After covering Windows Azure Data Management concepts (e.g., SQL Machines, SQL Databases, Tables, Blobs), they will demonstrate using Hive to query Hadoop data using HiveQL commands

I didn’t get the link till late but it will be available for streaming in about a week


Hadoop SDK and Tutorials for Microsoft .NET Developers

Hortonworks is offering training but there are now even more tutorials available for HDInsight.

On codeplex there is a Microsoft .Net SDK for Hadoop kit for available.

Github has a series of 5 labs covering C#, JavaScript and F# coding.


Finally got around to installing HDInsight on a new Windows Server 2012 environment on my laptop. In case you have not been following the news HDInsight is Microsoft’s answer to the Big Data problem. It has been in preview mode online through http://www.hadooponazure.com and available for download on the SQL Server site. This last week Microsoft announced that the HadoopOnAzure site was going to be formally added to the offerings available on Azure.


Brief History

HDInsight is not a 100% Microsoft product and is a partnership between Microsoft and HortonWorks. The underlying code is still Java based but Microsoft has added a Javascript console and some extensions to allow programming in .Net languages.

Current training for HDInsight is available through the HortonWorks website. As soon as I find MS training I will post a link.

Introduction To Windows Azure HDInsight Service




Installation of HDInsight is extremely easy through the Web Platform Installer. Just search for Hadoop or HDInsight. (Technet install guide)


After a complete installation you will have the following links on your desktop


Getting Started with HDInsight

Rather than repost here is a 5 part series just released on HDInsight.


KnowledgeLake Capture Profile Administration

One of the issues I ran into with creating an automated deployment of Capture Clients to a large number of field users was importing profiles. It seemed that until every single user that has access to the machine had successfully logged in and created a Windows User Profile that the KL Capture Profile Administration Utility would not provide a user with a profile.

The blurred sections are the user accounts.
The top one has all the test user accounts I have been working with. And I want all the accounts to get the Scan(SIT2) account. Even accounts that have not logged into the machine.


To resolve this is issue right-click on Scan(SIT2) and select Set As Default.


Now all the profiles will have this profile available to them. The Default profile is also highlighted with a checkbox.


This functionality is also available when you run the KnowledgeLake Capture Client the first time and create a profile. There is a checkbox in the wizard that allows you to set a profile as default.

Configure FAST Search Server for KnowledgeLake Imaging 4.4

After a correct installation of FAST Search Server there are a few items to validate before moving forward (FAST Installation guide Please follow this guide and ensure that you have).
Before beginning the KnowledgeLake Imaging installation check that the Web Application is set to use the FAST Query SSA. To check this start at Central Administration -> Application Management -> Service Application Associations. Then select the Web Application that you want to use FAST Search on.
Rather than leaving the dropdown at default change it to custom. This will allow you to select only the exact Applications you want running on your Web Application.
Then select all the checkboxes appropriate for the Web Application but make sure to NOT check Search Service Application. And be sure to check FAST Query SSA. Additionally, click the ‘set as default’ link to set FAST as the default Search Service Application Proxy.
At this point it is important to note that the “normal” instructions for setting up Imaging 4.4.2 will be loosely followed. I will attempt to make this as thorough as I can to follow. Additionally the two Service Applications created for FAST will be referenced as either FAST Connect or FAST Query from now on. After the installation of FAST there are some pre-installation tasks for KnowledgeLake Imaging.
· From SharePoint Central Administration go to Manage Service Applications.
  • Click on FAST Query SSA
  • Click on FAST Search Administration
  • This will probably be a new screen to users not familiar with FAST.
  • Click on Managed Properties
  • Click on Add Managed Property
Now the top section should look very familiar. So following the Imaging Admin Guide enter the Property name owsContentType
In the next section Type you can leave the default values
In the next section you need to add a mapping to he ows_ContentType. This is almost identical to the normal SharePoint Managed Properties mapping but has the ability to add more than one selected crawl properties at one time.
Click OK
Leave the Sort Property unchecked
On Query Property make sure to check the box. This insures that the KnowledgeLake Search Center can provide the property in the results column or as a search property.
Leave the Refiner property unchecked
On the Full-text Index Mapping section….It is very important to select a number between 1-7 as a priority mapping. If you leave the default value at zero it will not populate the Index. Considering this is a fairly important property in the KnowledgeLake Search Center I suggest using the priority of 6.
Then click OK
In the next section of the KnowledgeLake Imaging Admin guide it requires you to visit the Categories section and make a change to the SharePoint category so that all newly discovered properties are automatically added. This is set by default in FAST
Run a full crawl with the FAST Content Service Application.
After the crawl is complete run the following PowerShell in the Microsoft FAST PowerShell


The result should provide this in the resulting feed