Expand/Collapse radgrid in jquery

So after reading dozens and dozens of forums I finally just gave up on figuring out the obscure way to deal with hierarchy in a Telerik RadGrid. The classes are easy to find and the expand sections are just Submit buttons. So some super simple JQuery allows you to manipulate them quite easily. You can expand a few rows in your own grid and run these in Console.

$('.rgMasterTable tr td.rgExpandCol input.rgCollapse[type=submit]').click();

$('.rgMasterTable tr td.rgExpandCol input.rgExpand[type=submit').click();

NOTE: (There is more logic required to iterate (and do a wait) for each if there are multiple expansions).

Getting Started with Microsoft Big Data, Hive & HDInsight Jump Start

This is the first of a three-Jump Start series tailored for architects and seasoned developers interested in a demo-heavy learning experience introducing Microsoft’s Big Data solution set. Microsoft Technical Evangelist Saptak Sen and Vice President of Consulting Services, Advaiya Inc Bill Ramos will start with setting up and loading data into Windows Azure storage and a Windows Azure HDInsight cluster. After covering Windows Azure Data Management concepts (e.g., SQL Machines, SQL Databases, Tables, Blobs), they will demonstrate using Hive to query Hadoop data using HiveQL commands

I didn’t get the link till late but it will be available for streaming in about a week


Hadoop SDK and Tutorials for Microsoft .NET Developers

Hortonworks is offering training but there are now even more tutorials available for HDInsight.

On codeplex there is a Microsoft .Net SDK for Hadoop kit for available.

Github has a series of 5 labs covering C#, JavaScript and F# coding.